

Human being
Catharsis feat.Richard Bona
Mons records/Newsarts International/Agua music 2016

Ivan Paduart (piano), Quentin Dujardin (nylon, electric & slide guitars), Bert Joris (trumpet), Olivier Ker Ourio (chromatic harmonica), Richard Bona (bass & vocals), Manu Katché (drums)

artistic production: 
Quentin Dujardin

Their first album released in 2005 was entitled «Vivre». It was an unexpected fusion of piano and guitar. A space where disciplines crossed frontiers in an indefinable way to give life to warm harmonies and profoundly lyrical melodies. A genuine sound was born.

Passionate about writing, Ivan Paduart & Quentin Dujardin create finely crafted lines that feature their own universes, the pianist's jazz world and the unclassifiable style of the guitarist. Their desire to further pursue this adventure now leads them to record a new album, Catharsis 10 years on. Alongside Manu Katché, Richard Bona, Bert Joris and Olivier Ker Ourio - artists that don't need introduction - they have created a work that will delight many ears.


Official websites:


  • "Though individual solo space is given less priority than the long melodies, sophisticated harmonies and sensitive orchestrations, this music could only be made by musicians who are jazz artists at heart. It has what all good music need to have: compositions that are finely crafted and performances that are full of feeling. This beautiful project stands on its own. And like all good music, it has the most important quality: that is memorable."- FRED HERSCH (US)

  • "Very delicate music with beautiful musicians" - EUROPE 1 - JP Balasse (FR)

  • "Amazing album. A real fusion" - JAZZ MAGAZINE - Vincent Cotro (FR)

  • "Beautiful album with pure sound and melodies" - RADIO JAZZ INTERNATIONALE  - Philippe Zumbrunn (CH)

  • "Un album d'une lucididté exceptionnelle et un son formidable. Quentin Dujardin écrit des airs d'une beauté fascinante et Ivan Paduart développe des mélodies chatoyantes" - LE SOIR - JC Vantroyen (BE)

  • "La musique de Catharsis est d'une finesse et d'une délicatesse absolue. Le titre éponyme chanté par Richard Bona sert de clé de voûte à un album enivrant" - VERS l'AVENIR - JP Goffin (BE)

  • "Il est plutôt rare de classer un album 5 étoiles.Magnifique.Tellement beau." - LIMBURGS DAGBLAD - P. van der Steen (NL)




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